Saturday, August 06, 2016


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Raheny library has a very interesting exhibition running through the month of August. The theme is W&R Jacob Biscuit Factory and the 1916 Rising.

It draws on the Jacob's Archive and that of Douglas Appleyard, both recently presented to the City Council, and on a number of other sources. It is curated by Ellen Murphy who is responsible for the Jacob's archive in the Dublin City Library & Archive.

So who needed the Pillar, or the Guinness Tower, or the Smithfield Distillery for that matter.

Long before Jim Figgerty and the public's obsession with how the fig got into the fig roll.

This little gem from the 50th anniversary of 1916. Two names which will be familiar to the oldies. Charlie Haughey as Minister for Agriculture, no less, congratulating Jacob's marketing director, Gordon Lambert, on the company's 1916 Jubilee Booklet and thanking him for the box of biscuits.

Do drop in and check out the rest of the exhibition. There's heaps of background here.

And the title of this post. Well, in my day, you could buy broken biscuits by weight in a brown paper bag. Put some of the posher biscuits within reach of the rest of us. A serious contribution to cherishing all the children of the nation equally.

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