Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Anarchic Market

I was tickled pink by the above poster. "I must do a post on this" I thought. And here I am doing it.

But just what was it that really tickled me about this? It was some stray thoughts that I'm finding it hard to put into words.

Do people queue at such a fair? Do they pay for the books? Do they grab a pile of books and run out the door? Do they blow up the fair premises? And, can you really learn anarchy out of a book by doing what someone else tells you to?

I should mention also that this particular poster was outside Leinster House, seat of the Irish parliament.

Something in that muddle of thoughts made me smile when I saw the poster.

You can check out the event for real here.


  1. Probably outside Leinster House is a good place to quote Charlie from Trier;

    The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them. - Karl Marx

  2. An anarchist book fair? Kinda reminded me of a pirate's tea party.


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