Where the Tech World Meets
This is a huge thing with 20,000 people attending and some of the biggest names in hi tech on stage and in the exhibition area. And it's happening in Dublin. Never mind the traffic jams all over the city. It's worth it to showcase Ireland, and Dublin, as a hi tech venue. The potential returns to Ireland in terms of tourism, start ups and hi tech FDI are enormous.
And what happens? The effing Wifi crashes and the promoter is seriously considering whether he needs to take the event elsewhere next year.
Admittedly attendance has grown from 500 a few years ago to 20,000 in 2014 and some growing pains are excusable at that exponential rate of growth.
But the Wifi crashed. At a showcase tech event. Come on.
The promoter was tearing his hair out. He wanted to bring in his own choice of Wifi provider from a pool which was used to dealing with this scale of event. But no. The venue, the RDS, insisted on using their own provider. And the Wifi crashed.
This was an effing national disaster of epic proportions.
Fortunately I don't have much hair to tear out and if this happened to me it's not my own hair I'd be tearing out.
It's not rocket science. This scale of event is successfully, and uneventfully (if you'll excuse the pun), Wifi'd at venues all over the world. So why is Dublin different?
Maybe someone should ask the RDS?

Nostri Plena Laboris
Our Best Effort
Not Good Enough
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