In any event it is a very interesting shop. Among other Oirish paraphanalia it has a witty selection of T shirts, some of which are shown below.

It also has resonances of blasphemous beers of green beloved by Irish- and pseudo Irish- Americans alike. Not to mention the short lived arrogance of a ten pin bowling set.

Seeing as how we mentioned Carlsberg you might like to consider this take off. The claim is qualified by "probably" which, if you follow the rationale of the beer ad, means "I think I am but the regulator won't let me say so". Shadows of a repressed youth? The claim is also qualified by being limited to "Ireland", though it is not clear whether this is the State or the island. A cross-border marathon might be required to settle that one.

There are few terms in any language that can give you the same satisfaction as the word "gobshite". It is an affectionate way of insulting someone absolutely - calling him the absolute dregs (and it is a "him", the word is not applied to women). Mind you,the addition of "fecking" far from making it worse actually mollifies it a bit. I suppose you can't have it every way.

So, all in all, a mighty collection of witty indigenous T shirts (the "r" is definitely pronounced here).
Heheheh, more - more bring it on.. ! More photos, more commentary.