1916 Volunteer Sean O’Duffy & Cadet Frank Russell
Saluting the National Flag on the Curragh 1966
(Photo: National Library of Ireland)
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The photo above spans a whole century in two segments.
The first segment involving 1916 and 1966 is in the photo itself. Volunteer Seán O'Duffy (left) is wearing the uniform he wore on active service in Easter Week, 1916. He is facing Cadet Frank Russell (right) and both men are presenting arms. The photo itself is from 1966. It is by Colman Doyle and it appeared in the Sunday Press newspaper on Easter Sunday, 1966. It was part of the groundbreaking colour supplement commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Rising.
The second segment, between 1966 and 2016 is when the photo itself was out of active service, tucked between the pages of Ernie O’Malley’s book, On Another Man’s Wound. The book belonged to Frank Russell's late brother Kevin who had given it to Frank, and he only recently came across the photo purely by chance while looking through the book.
You can read all about this and more in Frank's own words here. Frank is now a retired Commandant from the Irish Air Corps and I am trying to persuade him to write his autobiography. Frank is a natural storyteller, and boy, has he stories to tell.
I have included some of my own photos from 1966 below as the events and location are referred to in Frank's account.
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