Note the blue car parked across the entry lane to the carpark. Yes it is parked. But that is not where the owner parked it when they left to do their shopping.
It was originally parked among the other cars in the picture. But the combination of a slight slope and handbrake failure (failure to engage it in the first place or failure of the actual handbrake itself) meant that the car reversed itself out onto the entrance roadway. Clearly the car had not been parked in gear, but the steering had locked, and, when the car did move, nobody was injured and there was no damage to property. Had the steering not locked it would have crashed into the restaurant opposite the shops. The mercy of God.
I observed the driver's shock and incredulity when they came across their car on the way back to where they had originally parked it.
The Google satellite mock-up below shows the unmanned car's trajectory.

Never a dull moment in my village.
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